Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sharia Law in Northern Nigeria
Sharia Law has been esablished in Northern Nigeria. There is public demand for it. The challenge is that Sharia calls for the subjugation of all faiths, whether Muslim or not.
It is not really about Sharia law principles, it is about Sharia itself. A non-muslim would ask, " why not compromise, lets take at least some of the principles in Sharia law, and write them into constitutional law...."
A muslim would answer: "the meaning of Islam is submission to God", they would say "It cannot 'look like' Sharia, it must 'be' Sharia, because what Sharia means is to be in submission to God.
Without God there is no law, therefore we must have submission of all things under Sharia law be in submuission to God.
so...... is there any way for sharia to exist in a free society?
The annswer is no.
Demand of Sharia (Islamic Law) over consitition
March, 2005
"Kano Seeks Supremacy of Sharia Over Constitution" ("Daily Trust," March 17, 2005) Aduja, Nigeria -- The Kano state delegation to the National Political Reform Conference has demanded constitutional amendments to make Islamic Law supreme over provisions of the constitution. An 11-page memorandum submitted to the conference in Abuja yesterday by the state delegation also called for the expansion of powers of state Shari'a courts of appeal to cover all aspects of Islamic Law. The memorandum is seeking for amendments to section 1(3) of the 1999 constitution to put a proviso that will exclude Shari'a from instruments that are subservient to the constitution. Click here for more.
-Daily Trust, Abujau, Nigeria 8/29/06
The joint committee of Islamic organizations, said that, the decision to back the SSG, was because, the SSG is loyal and faithful to the governor, maintaining that he is humble and highly dedicated to the service of Yobe state, beside being a devoted muslim.
The religious leaders said that Baba Ba'aba in their view will adequately step into the shoes of the governor, come 2007. The religious leaders who came in a high number had formed an alliance comprising representatives of Imams across mosques in Yobe, Tsangaya association, Islamic preachers association, representatives of jama'atul Nasril Islam, Izalatukl Bid'a wa iqamatulssunah, Jama'atul fityanul Islam, Jama'atul Nahadul Islam and Islamiyya schools association among others.
The religious leaders said that they were optimistic that the SSG would uphold the implementation of Sharia legal system as introduced by the Yobe governor.
Meanwhile, the visit of the religious leaders has already began to attract mixed reactions within Damaturu, the state capital, as some people condemned the position of the religious leaders, maintaining that their action was not healthy since they are supposed to consider all aspirants, as Imams and Islamic leaders. Others were however of the view, that the religious leaders took an appropriate step, as they were entitled to their opinion in the political system, in addition to being right to choose, whoever they deem fit to rule Yobe. Click here for more
Italian Priest Assinated in North Eastern Kenya
this assassination apears to have been set up low-level Somoli Islamic exptremists to try and intmidate the replacement priest. In addition there is adeliberate attempt to run
See the following for supporting evidance
By Catholic News ServiceISIOLO, Kenya (CNS) --
On July 14th....
An Italian missionary bishop who had just learned Pope Benedict XVI had accepted his retirement was shot July 14 outside the Isiolo pastoral center.
Bishop Luigi Locati, who would have celebrated his 77th birthday July 23, died at the Isiolo hospital about an hour after being shot. A guard walking with the bishop was wounded, news agencies reported.
The bishop was head of the Apostolic Vicariate of Isiolo in northeast Kenya. The region recently has been the scene of violence between the Gabra and Borana ethnic groups over cattle and access to water.
July 12th....
(From Answers.com) The Turbi Village massacre was the killing of sixty people by feuding clans in the Marsabit district of northern Kenya on the early morning of 12 July 2005. Hundreds of armed raiders of the Borana tribe attacked the Gabra people living in the Turbi area, north west of Marsabit. Twenty-two of the sixty confirmed dead were children, and over six thousand people fled their homes, most of them fleeing to Marsabit town.
The fighting was a result of competition over scarce water and pasture land in the arid region along the Somali border, as well as a recent political division along ethnic lines. The fighting in Turbi is similar in cause to that between the Garre and the Murule in Mundule in January and February of 2005.
Cattle rustling is relatively common practice in this region, and some reports suggest that the massacre may have begun as a cattle raid. The Gabra people, victims of the massacre, had been accused in June of stealing hundreds of cattle and goats. (click here for more)
Borana information : from a cached Yahoo page no longer available:
Religion: Their traditional religion is monotheistic with communication through intermediary priests or "Qalla". The traditional name for God is Waq (or Wak). Islam has become influential in Borana society in the last 70 years. The Borana around Isiolo are radical Muslims.
Borana are connected ethnically to a larger tribal group located in Ehthiopia nand in Somolia click here for more
In recent years, the Borana "Ayaana" possession cult has been growing in Mandera and Wajir districts. At the same time Islamic fundamentalism has been gaining ground over the traditional Sufi mystical orders.
..[Ilsamic].. Fundamentalists have established NGOs and brought financial aid from Muslim organizations in Sudan, South Africa, North America, Europe, Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudia Arabia and Iran. (click here for more)
Italian Priest Assassinated in North Eastern Kenya
It was, however, much more than that.
-this assassination appears to have been set up low-level Somoli Islamic radical to
- Try and intimidate the replacement priest.
- A part of a larger attempt to drive a tribe out-Not unlike the Sudan
- The traget tribe had begun to have converts to Christianity
- The offending tribe had significant Isalmic NGO infusions of goods, teaching, and training over the last few years.
See the following for supporting evidence
On July 14th....
An Italian missionary bishop who had just learned Pope Benedict XVI had accepted his retirement was shot July 14 outside the Isiolo pastoral center.
Bishop Luigi Locati, who would have celebrated his 77th birthday July 23, died at the Isiolo hospital about an hour after being shot. A guard walking with the bishop was wounded, news agencies reported.
The bishop was head of the Apostolic Vicariate of Isiolo in northeast Kenya. The region recently has been the scene of violence between the Gabra and Borana ethnic groups over cattle and access to water.
July 12th....
The Turbi Village massacre was the killing of sixty people by feuding clans in the Marsabit district of northern Kenya on the early morning of 12 July 2005. Hundreds of armed raiders of the Borana tribe attacked the Gabra people living in the Turbi area, north west of Marsabit. Twenty-two of the sixty confirmed dead were children, and over six thousand people fled their homes, most of them fleeing to Marsabit town.
The fighting was a result of competition over scarce water and pasture land in the arid region along the Somali border, as well as a recent political division along ethnic lines. The fighting in Turbi is similar in cause to that between the Garre and the Murule in Mundule in January and February of 2005.
Cattle rustling is relatively common practice in this region, and some reports suggest that the massacre may have begun as a cattle raid. The Gabra people, victims of the massacre, had been accused in June of stealing hundreds of cattle and goats. (click here for more) -(From Answers.com)
Borana information : from a cached Yahoo page no longer available:
Religion: Their traditional religion is monotheistic with communication through intermediary priests or "Qalla". The traditional name for God is Waq (or Wak). Islam has become influential in Borana society in the last 70 years. The Borana around Isiolo are radical Muslims.
Borana are connected ethnically to a larger tribal group located in Ethiopia nand in Somolia click here for more
In recent years, the Borana "Ayaana" possession cult has been growing in Mandera and Wajir districts. At the same time Islamic fundamentalism has been gaining ground over the traditional Sufi mystical orders.
..[Ilsamic].. Fundamentalists have established NGOs and brought financial aid from Muslim organizations in Sudan, South Africa, North America, Europe, Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudia Arabia and Iran. (click here for more)
Tying this information together with recent activities in Somolia, This is more evidance that one or more of the multi-national jihadist organizations are moving on Kenya.
-Stay tuned for more on the Kenya Jihad
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Al-Qaida's Online University: Jihad 101
click here for more
Pray that the technology that produces training for terrorist plots fails to work.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
US State Dept-Africa Overview
The Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI)
The Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI) is a multi-faceted, multi-year strategy aimed at defeating terrorist organizations by strengthening regional counterterrorism capabilities, enhancing and institutionalizing cooperation among the region’s security forces, promoting democratic governance, discrediting terrorist ideology, and reinforcing bilateral military ties with the United States. The overall goals are to enhance the indigenous capacities of governments in the pan-Sahel (Mauritania, Mali, Chad, and Niger, as well as Nigeria and Senegal) to confront the challenge posed by terrorist organizations in the region, and to facilitate cooperation between those countries and our Maghreb partners (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) in the global war on terror.
The need for TSCTI stemmed from concern over the potential for expansion of operations by Islamic terrorist organizations in the Sahel. TSCTI was developed as a follow-on to the very successful Pan-Sahel Initiative, which focused solely on the states of the Sahel. Ongoing concern that Islamist terrorists continue to seek to create safe havens and support networks in the remote expanses of the Sahel, as well as the public affiliation of some terrorist groups with al-Qaida, led to its formal approval by the U.S. Government in early 2005.
TSCTI was originally envisioned as a five-year program based on counterterrorism, democratic governance assistance, a public diplomacy component, and military assistance.
TSCTI’s main elements include:
Counterterrorism (CT) programs to create a new regional focus for trans-Saharan cooperation, including use of established regional organizations like the African Union and its new Center for the Study and Research on Terrorism in Algiers. These programs include training to improve border and aviation security and overall CT readiness;
Continued specialized Counterterrorism Assistance Training and Terrorist Interdiction Program (TIP) activities in the trans-Sahara region and possible regional expansion of those programs;
Public diplomacy programs that expand outreach efforts in the Sahel and Maghreb regions, Nigeria, and Senegal and seek to develop regional programming embracing this vast and diverse region. Emphasis is on preserving the traditional tolerance and moderation displayed in most African Muslim communities and countering the development of extremism, particularly in youth and rural populations;
Democratic governance programs that strive, in particular, to provide adequate levels of USG support for democratic and economic development in the Sahel, strengthening those states to withstand internal threats; and
Military programs intended to expand military-to-military cooperation, to ensure adequate resources are available to train, advise, and assist regional forces, and to establish institutions promoting better regional cooperation, communication, and intelligence sharing.Click here for more
The Picture of a Terrorist Training Camp

the Public Broadcasting Company conducted an internview with Saba Khodada, who trained at an Iraqi terrorist Training Camp in 2001. In the interview he discussuess the presence of Iraqi and non-Iraqi terrorists in training. click here fore more . Though this is 5 years old, It serves to post it now when some in the US are trying to claim that The Iraqi Al-Quida connection was a myth.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Failed States: terror training Camps
Read the complete article
These states have vast parts of their countires which the cannot or will not control. It is in these places that the Jihdists train and hide.
Three elements can be said to characterize the phenomenon of the “failed State” from the political and legal point of view.
Firstly, there is the geographical and territorial aspect, namely the fact that “failed States” are essentially associated with internal and endogenous problems, even though these may incidentally have cross-border impacts. The situation confronting us then is one of an implosion rather than an explosion of the structures of power and authority, the disintegration and destructuring of States rather than their dismemberment.
Secondly, there is the political aspect, namely the internal collapse of law and order. The emphasis here is on the total or near total breakdown of structures guaranteeing law and order [2] rather than the kind of fragmentation of State authority seen in civil wars, where clearly identified military or paramilitary rebels fight either to strengthen their own position within the State or to break away from it. [3]
Thirdly, there is the functional aspect, namely the absence of bodies capable, on the one hand, of representing the State at the international level and, on the other, of being influenced by the outside world. Either no institution exists which has the authority to negotiate, represent and enforce or, if one does, it is wholly unreliable, typically acting as “statesman by day and bandit by night”.
See the remaining article by Daniel Thürer.
These are the places where terrorist training camps are happening today:
- The Pashtoon regions in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.
- South Lebanon: ( Hezbollah )
- Remote Parts of Mali
- Southern Somalia
- Southern Sudan
- Eritria info
Why is this relevant to evangelical Christian Intercessors? Find out where these states are, and if you are supporting someone in Prayer who is going to or near one, Knowiung what is going on there from research will help diect you prayer.
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sheikh Muhammad Ali, head of the Palestinian Cleric's Association gave an interview on Hezbollah TV on August 19th 2005. He said the following:
Any land, any piece of land, over which flies the banner of 'There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger,' and which at a certain point belonged to the Muslims – as far as we are concerned, plundering and occupying such land is forbidden, and it is the duty of all Muslims to do what they can to liberate this land, wherever it may be...
...When a piece of Muslim land is occupied, the duty of liberating it falls, first of all, upon the local residents, as decreed by the religious rulers. It is, first of all, the duty of the local residents...
...They [local Muslims] are the spearhead of the liberation effort. But when they are too few, or they cannot – it is the duty of the next in line to liberate this land...
...if they are unable to do it either, it becomes the duty of all Muslims to do what they can to liberate it. According to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, not only when an entire homeland is occupied, but when 'even an inch of Muslim land is occupied, Jihad is a personal duty, a religious obligation incumbent upon everyone. A wife must go, even without her husband's permission, and a slave must go – if there are slaves – without his master's permission.' They must liberate this land – and this is when only an inch is occupied, let alone when it is Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa that are occupied."
See full article
What is Jihad to Evangelical Christians?
The purpose of jihad, in other words, is not directly to spread the Islamic faith but to extend sovereign Muslim power (faith, of course, often follows the flag). Jihad is thus unabashedly offensive in nature, with the eventual goal of achieving Muslim dominion over the entire globe.
Jihad did have two variant meanings through the centuries, one more radical, one less so. The first holds that Muslims who interpret their faith differently are infidels and therefore legitimate targets of jihad. (This is why Algerians, Egyptians and Afghans have found themselves, like Americans and Israelis, so often the victims of jihadist aggression.) The second meaning, associated with mystics, rejects the legal definition of jihad as armed conflict and tells Muslims to withdraw from the worldly concerns to achieve spiritual depth."
Click here for the full article by Daniel Pipes.
The next question foir consideration
What does it mean for evangelical Christians? It means that Jihad has many forms all connected in progressively more militaristic terms,
- It means that a moral Muslim cannot interact with any believer that furthers the Christian faith. It would oppose the principle of Jihad.
- Though some forms of Islam would tolerate Christians, it would exact a tax over them, and they would remian subject to Sharia law.
- There is a sophsiticated system of mandetory tithe collection called Zakat that is especially active among the Shia. This funds, among other things, the humanitrian efforts aimed at winning herts and minds. (See earlier post Hezollah in Liberia)
- We must pray that The Holy Spirit will go before us, and understand I I Samuel 17:47-
"all this assembly may know that the LORD does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the LORD'S and He will give you into our hands."
5. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnel, but are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, for the casting down of every high thing that exalts itself against the knoweldge of God.
6. Be aware of groups and individuals that are operating in your area, pray for the safety of those who interact with them, pray for favor in their eyes, that "Christ may be seen in me" That Christ would reveal himself to them in his own way and time, and ask God to be allowed to participate, if possible.
Hezbollah in Liberia
- Blood diamonds used to fuel the Liberian civil war were transported through established Hezbollah diamond dealers.
- Large donations were given to Hezbollah by Lebonese business leaders in Liberia and other West African Countries: one of the sources says:
"On an annual or semi-annual basis Hezbollah notifies businesses in West Africa, stretching from Mali to Cameroon, of the amount of the contribution that each is expected to make, based on fairly precise knowledge of the revenues that each business is expected to generate. This alone indicates a high level of Hezbollah penetration and interest in this revenue stream. At least once a year senior Hezbollah operatives travel through the region collecting the “donations” to be returned to Beirut. The donations are often in cash, as the Lebanese community businesses often do most of their business in cash and seek to avoid financial scrutiny by avoiding the formal banking system. Because the Lebanese Shi’ite community regularly charters aircraft to fly from different West African capitals directly to Beirut, and the flights undergo a minimum of scrutiny, flying money by courier is an easy and accessible way to move the cash.
For a glimpse of how much money Hezbollah raises in the region, consider one case. On Dec. 25, 2003, a charter flight UTA 141, scheduled to fly from Cotonou, Benin, in West Africa to Beirut, crashed on takeoff, killing all the passengers. On board were senior Hezbollah members, carrying $2 million in contributions to the organization from across the region.[6] Arab press reports said the money represented the “regular contributions the party receives from wealthy Lebanese nationals in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Benin and other African states.” A senior Hezbollah official was immediately dispatched to Benin to console the “sons of the Lebanese community.”[7]
-click here for the complete Douglas Farah Article
- Another Liberian source recently reported that there is regular trafic through the Monrovia, Liberia airport that never goes through customs
- There are at least three other areas under study: The Port authority, The training and arming of LURD , and several key Liberian-American citizens orchestrating the Radiclization of Liberian Muslims.
-more to follow
The Key for Intercessors: Pray that this corruption will be fully exposed, and that the extorcion of West African Merchants to fund terrorism will be result in governments taking action to stop the terror.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Islamic NGOs in Africa
....The power and influence of Islamic NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) have grown significantly in the last 25-50 years. These organizations are often a cover for the radicalization of local Islamic tribes, the expansion of multi-national jihadist influence, and outside oposition to local evangelical Christian activites.
...It may be that the battle for the hearts and minds of the lost world will be played out on earth between active multi-national Evangelical Christain and Islamic NGOS...
•In the fourteen centuries since the introduction of Islam, Muslims have played important roles in Africa's development.
•Muslims were important in the process of state-building, in creating commercial networks between parts of the continent, in introducing literacy (which saw Muslim become scribes in charge of state records), as well as in exchanges of inter-state diplomacy within Africa and beyond.
•The fall of the Ottoman empire, which ended with the Turkish abolition of the Caliphate in 1927, showed the postpoponment of mutli-national Islamic evaglelism.
- Africa was then controlled by European Colonial Rule
•African countries began to gain their indend\ance after 1945
•A wave of Islamic schools came to Post colonial Africa in the 1930s and 40s when europe was waring with each other
•These were schools simple, often rural schools
•These were focused on alternatives to corruption and the establishment of Islamic moral principles
•Relationship evangalism seemd to be their primary evangalist method - Post Ottoman activities
•45-60s were characterised by Soviet-US politics and the establishment of local muslim groups and some tribal conversions
•1960s-1970s were characterised by the transformation of community-based organisations and urban associations into “modern” urban charity and local voluntary development organisations. - The Dawah or school movement
•The Dawah Movement may be categorized into two; the first group belongs to
–those who conduct the propagation of Islam to non-Muslims
–those who target Muslims, particularly the ‘lapsed’ Muslims.
•The two groups differ much in their objectives and activities.
•They share a common aim and that is to propagate Islam. - Islamic Response to Colonialsim
The emergence of Islamic NGOs...dates back to the colonial period, and to a large extent it is a reaction against Christian missionary activities and their capacity to combine religious and educational, as well as health and social activities. - The Scope of Islamic NGOS expand
•African Islamic NGOs are active in:
–Child care
–Community health
– Water
–legal assistance
–Advocacy networking,
–Relief, famine and food distribution - Islamic NGOS proliferate
•By the 1970s-1980s African NGOs began to expand rapidly under the influence of foreign NGOs,
•To a large extent, this was a result of recurrent droughts and civil wars, in Angola, Chad, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Sudan, Somalia and Uganda. - Islamic NGOS Gain Influence in Africa
•Afro-Arab dialogue was augmented by the newly founded power of the Islamic World, particularly the oil-rich Arab countries
•There was an increase in the acceptance of foreign NGOs by some African states which began to value their contributions to public services
•An expansion of foreign NGO activities, particularly in relief and rehabilitation in war-torn countries,
•There emerged African NGOs independent of the state, with permission to operate in the state
•There organisational structures were similar to foreign NGOs
•Increasing co-operation and dialogue among and within foreign and African Islamic NGOs.- Islamic volunteerism expands
•The range of activities in which Islamic NGOs are engaged illustrates that they are either responding to the African crisis or taking advantage of it.
•The politics and economics of Islamic voluntarism are expanding.
•Islamic humanitarianism gives Islamic NGOs a peculiar role relative to their secular counterparts - Radical Islam is now acting with multi-national Purpose
•in 1990, the National Islamic Front government in the Sudan initiated two new policy directives aimed at supporting the work of national Islamic NGOs in Africa:
–Al-Tamkin :
•Empowerment of Muslim minorities in regions that are dominantly Christian or animist
–Al-Takaful :
•(Social solidarity fund) whereby part of zakat is distributed amongst Islamic NGOs which in turn redistribute alms amongst the Muslim poor - The Zakat: an Islamic Distsinction
•In the absence of an Islamic state, Islamic NGOs and voluntary groups undertake the role of the state by claiming zakat and by distributing among the poor, albeit in a modern NGO setting.
•In many states with a majority population of Muslims zakat has been distributed through an elaborate voluntary system, rather than having been accumulated in bait al mal (Islamic state treasury).
•The totality of Islamic ethics, law, politics and economics come together in a completely modern form of caring Muslim communities. - Conclusions
•NGOs are diverse and range from the politically militant to the truly benevolent.
•Islamic NGOs have acquired the organisational capacity and structure of modern secular NGOs
•They claim a religious role inspired by the intimate association between religion, politics and economic welfare in puritan Islam - Much more information is available here.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
The Agenda of the Shimron Letters
We are here to watch the Islamist agenda as they work to enslave Africa. We will neither oppose nor be diverted by Muslim Nationalists unless they surrender to the Islamist Agenda.
- Information will be gathered in accordance with the following standards of reliability
- The direct words of first hand local observers.
- Interviews with first hand local observers.
- Reliable Leaders with access to local ministry or government activity.
- Web sources of all kinds to discern what jihadists, Jesus - friendly, and skilled non- christian analyst sources are saying
- We intend to frequently and consistently study sites so as to determine which are truthful and which are deceptive.
- We may provide direct quotes from people inciting or committing violence, as quoted by first hand or by reliable sources, unless we determine that they are committing deliberate deception.
- We will not knowingly assist Islamists - if your concerned about a posting please email us
- We will provide commentary if we project a possible danger, and a warning is warren ted.
- Every living human has fallen short of God's glory, and It is not possible for humans to earn their redemption
- Therefore God offered himself, in the form of his only son Jesus - the promised messiah - who paid the penalty of our falling short.
- We accept the Pardon when we turn away from running our own lives, turning our life over to Jesus.
- He gives us this Pardon as His free gift, and no amount of good human work can pay its price.
- All good works of believers are done in gratitude for the gift.
- We Love every Muslim God ever created, and pray God will bring this truth to them
- Though this simple plan is at work everywhere on earth, we will not aid or support the combative spread of the gospel of Christ, verbal or otherwise
- The battle is the Lord's, and though we go boldly at his direction, we gently seek the voluntary redemption of all men and women
- There are Believers working in remote locations where they may be exposed to threat of physical harm.Therefore, activities that inhibit the spread of the gospel or increase the possibility of threat or danger to Believers will be shared here.
- This blog intends to become a resource to those called to spread this message, including the ministry of intercession, who petition God on behalf of people serving in dangerous areas.
- We intend that this information be taken to God, who will direct intercessors on how to pray, to help keep workers in dangerous places safe.
- The information is designed to help focus our prayers, as Christ, the Messiah, Christ the only son of God, continues to bring His kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven.